Hyperbaric Cocoon by O2genes

Otherwise known as Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber (mHBOT), cocoon delivers up to 100% oxygen while under increased atmospheric pressure at 1.4 – 1.5 atm in an enclosed cocoon to enhance oxygenation throughout the entire body. The technology of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy stems from the USA, where oxygen therapy is used to stimulate blood circulation and oxygenation within the body for healing and recovery. Backed by evidence-based research and data, it has been proven that the brain is highly sensitive to changes of circulating oxygen concentrations, where low or absent levels of oxygen rapidly induce unconsciousness or cause permanent brain damage. Oxygen therapy gives relief for both acute and chronic pain and enhance sleep quality by promoting cells regeneration and internal melatonin while increasing blood flow. Moreover, oxygen is non-toxic, non-invasive and has no side-effects.

Increase Alertness Level & Enhance Brain's Cognitive Abilities

Oxygen feeds our brain. Hence, with the use of supplemental oxygen, our ability to think, reason and memorise can be improved. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been suggested for the treatment of different brain injuries as well as for physical and cognitive enhancement. After just one session of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, studies have shown a significant improvement in objective biomarkers which measured cognition, memory, brain processing speed, athletic performance and neuroimaging modalities measuring cerebral perfusion, blood flow and tractography. By increasing blood oxygen levels, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) purportedly “wakes up” the brain cells in the dormant areas and also constricts blood vessels, thus reducing brain swelling and promoting growth of new brain tissue

Why Cocoon by O2genes?

Reverse Ageing

With Cocooning, we see 38% increase in telomere length and up to 37% decrease in old cells!

Enhance Focus Level

Supplies the body oxygen it needs over a shorter period of time as our tissues are flushed with high levels of oxygen

Immunity Booster

Disable toxins and bacteria, while enhancing ability of white blood cells to fight bacteria

Sports Recovery

Enhance muscle recovery, bone regeneration & increases stem cell activation


The action of hormones and optimal vascularization and oxygenation prepares for the implantation of the fertilized blastocyst to induce pregnancy

Check out who uses Hyperbaric Cocoon

Christiano Ronaldo

Justin Bieber


Lebron James

"I finally felt like I actually slept the night before" - Client B

Hear more from our clients


My daughter, Kalya, and I slept so well last night, and we woke up feeling less tired than usual! I am personally interested in Cocoon by O2genes because of Kayla's cancer medical history, and now that she's into sports, I hope this will help boost her immunity!


As a SG National Athlete, I am constantly training and my body feels so tired all the time. After trying Cocoon by O2genes just once, I can immediately feel the difference in my legs - they are no longer as achy, and I can move at ease!

Cocoon by O2genes

First Trial Special
$149 (u.p:$189)