
hyperbaric oxygen rest
with your loved ones

Enjoy cocooning at home sweet home

Wish to speak to us?

Our experts are here to help!


Bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Step 1 – Discuss with our Experts

Step 2 – Address administrative details

Step 3 – Set up of cocoon at your home and training

Step 4 – Enjoy cocoon with online support

Step 5 – Follow up for end of rental

Why Cocoon with O2genes?

Our clients say it best


As a trainer and sportsman, recovery is on top of my list. Hyperbaric oxygen is used by many top athletes and it helped me to be injury-free and i perform better too!


Cocooning became my daughter and my favourite time together. We do facial together, watch netflix and had heart to heart talks whenever we're in the cocoon. We grew closer and I am really happy with my choice!

cocoon by O2genes

I used to need at least 3 days to recover from marathons. After i started cocooning, i would begin my recovery jogs on the 2nd day after the marathon. The science is clear and oxygen is what we need for recovery.

Kepompong oleh O2genes

Shift work and long work hours had taken a toll on my body. I am always lethargic and i cannot do much on my off days. Ever since i started cocooning, i feel refreshed and can find time for family and friends.


Putri saya, Kalya, dan saya tidur sangat nyenyak tadi malam, dan kami bangun dengan perasaan tidak terlalu lelah dari biasanya! Saya pribadi tertarik dengan Cocoon oleh O2genes karena riwayat kesehatan kanker Kayla, dan sekarang dia menyukai olahraga, saya harap ini akan membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuhnya!


Sebagai seorang Atlet Nasional SG, saya selalu berlatih dan tubuh saya terasa sangat lelah sepanjang waktu. Setelah mencoba Cocoon by O2genes sekali saja, saya langsung bisa merasakan perbedaannya pada kaki saya - kaki saya tidak lagi pegal, dan saya bisa bergerak dengan nyaman!

Benefits of cocooning


Oxygen therapy allows your body to get more oxygen into the bloodstream so that you may get a better night's sleep

Combat Lethargy

Supplies the body oxygen it needs over a shorter period of time as our tissues are flushed with high levels of oxygen

Immunity Booster

Disable toxins and bacteria, while enhancing ability of white blood cells to fight bacteria

Pemulihan Olahraga

Enhance muscle recovery, bone regeneration & increases stem cell activation

Membalikkan Penuaan

Proven to increase telomere length, and stem cells production

Pelajari lebih lanjut dari Para Ahli

Prof Shai Efrati

Dr Scott Sherr

Dr Paul Harch

Lihat siapa saja yang menggunakan Kepompong Hiperbarik

Christiano Ronaldo

Justin Bieber


Lebron James

Bacaan yang berguna di Perpustakaan kami

Penyembuhan oksigen
oleh MD William S. Maxfield

Oksigen di bawah tekanan
oleh Dr Jason Sonners

Revolusi Oksigen
Dr Paul Harch

Feel renewed and refreshed Today

Cocoon and
Emerge anew