
微高压氧治疗家庭租赁 (mHBOT)

高压氧治疗租赁 (HBOT)

与在家 cocoon 的3个主要区别:

HBOT 的许多益处,从高氧合、血管生成、抗炎、逆转衰老、运动恢复到干细胞激活,都可以通过持续和定期的茧训练进一步加速。

您可以随时在舒适的家中享受 hyperbaric cocooning。您可以在睡前进行一天结束时的思考,在醒来后进行早晨冥想,或者在需要一些自我时间时简。

3.知道 cocooning 适合您的生活方式
购买 hyperbaric cocoon 是一项长期投资,需要相当大的金钱支出。租用几个月可以让您更好地了解自己,并为将 Cocoon 融入您的生活方式做好准备。


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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy rental (mHBOT)

We have 4 types of cocoons available for rentals – Zilsie (1.5ATA), Lumiere (1.5ATA), Reverie (1.5ATA), Roomiere (1.4ATA) cocoon

Benefits of Cocoon by O2genes

1) Sleep well

Poor quality sleep due to work stress? Sleep is affected by many factors. Resting in our hyperbaric oxygen cocoon gives your entire body oxygen – an important nutrient your tired muscles, brain and mind needs the most. Try cocooning with us and feel the difference! (P.S: The current status quo may not be normal.)

2) Sports recovery

Aching all over from exercise or work? Many professional athletes use the hyperbaric oxygen cocoon (HBOT) for enhanced muscle recovery and to prolong their high intensity career and deliver peak performances.

3) Full body beauty

Our hyperbaric oxygen cocoon immerses you in a high concentrated oxygenated environment and enhances the richness of essences, serums and masks for the entire body.

4) Overall wellness

Feeling the effects of mask fatigue from wearing a mask the entire day? Rest better and achieve overall wellness when you immerse yourself in our hyperbaric oxygen cocoon! Level up your lifestyle with oxygenated rest. Give yourself the best and see how much you can achieve!

5) Post medical rejuvenation

It takes time for our body to recover and for our blood to bring nutrients (oxygen is one of them) to where we need most. Help your body recover faster naturally with more oxygen as you eat well and rest better.

Rest better and achieve overall wellness when you immerse yourself in our hyperbaric oxygen cocoon! Many professional athletes and celebrities are using it to enhance their sports performance and hectic lifestyle with oxygenated rest.

Why aren’t you giving yourself the best and see for yourself how much more you can achieve? Ready to rent a hyperbaric oxygen cocoon for the long term? Fill up the contact form and we will contact you as soon as we can!


Lumiere Cocoon (1.7m long x 1.1m wide x 1.2m tall), Reverie Cocoon (2.2m long x 80cm wide), Evexia Cocoon (1.35m wide x 1.4m long x 1.75m tall), Roomiere Cocoon (2.2m long x 1.1m wide x 1.2m tall)
