
Paul Harch 博士 – 高压氧治疗

保罗-哈奇博士 HBOT
高压氧疗法有助于干细胞植入,医学博士保罗-哈奇(Paul Harch)著
1:58 - Paul Harch 博士入场 + 介绍
7:20 - 压力的重要性及其与基因的关系
9:20 - HBOT 可促进恢复活力
10:10 - 我们的 DNA 和基因受环境影响
13:21 - HBOT 目前用于哪些领域(美国批准用于 15 个领域,日本批准用于 33 个领域,中国批准用于 49 个领域,俄罗斯批准用于 70 个领域)
15:45 - 自闭症儿童和低血糖儿童病例
19:20 - 儿童 "出生时有胎粪 "病例
22:30 - ADD/ADHD 儿童病例。
24:30 - 溺水案例研究
27:40 - 5/8 神经功能得到改善
28:15 - 常压间歇使用氧气发出信号
30:10 - 使用氧气的障碍
32:02 - 自大博士和无知博士
34:50 - HBOT 及其对干细胞的影响
41:40 - 干细胞在受伤部位的自然归巢。
48:23 - HBOT 对创伤性脑损伤大鼠体重下降的影响
49:26 - HBOT 对痴呆大鼠的研究
54:01 – HBOT facilitates Stem Cell I种植和案例研究
62:05 - 对 HBOT 的启示和结论

In the realm of regenerative medicine, the combination of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising approach for treating a wide range of medical conditions. Dr. Paul Harch, MD, a renowned expert in hyperbaric medicine, has been at the forefront of this groundbreaking research, demonstrating how HBOT can significantly enhance the success of stem cell implantation. In this Edit Column, we delve into Dr. Harch’s pioneering work and the potential implications it holds for the future of medical treatments.

Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT is a medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. The increased pressure allows the body to absorb oxygen at a much higher level than normal. This excess oxygen is then transported to cells and tissues throughout the body, promoting healing and tissue repair. HBOT has been used for decades to treat various medical conditions, including decompression sickness, wounds that won’t heal, and radiation injuries.

The Synergistic Effects of HBOT and Stem Cell Therapy

Dr. Harch’s research centers on the synergy between hyperbaric oxygen therapy and stem cell therapy. Stem cells are remarkable in their ability to differentiate into various cell types, making them invaluable in regenerating damaged tissues and organs. However, one of the challenges in stem cell therapy is ensuring that an adequate number of stem cells successfully engraft, or implant, in the target tissue. Many factors, such as inflammation and a lack of oxygen in damaged areas, can impede this process.

HBOT addresses these challenges by providing a hyperoxygenated environment. This oxygen-rich atmosphere enhances the survival and proliferation of stem cells, allowing them to migrate more effectively to damaged tissues. The increased oxygen levels also reduce inflammation and improve the microenvironment, creating a more favorable setting for stem cell implantation.

Clinical Applications

Dr. Harch’s work has far-reaching implications for a wide range of medical conditions. Some of the notable applications of HBOT-assisted stem cell therapy include:

  1. Neurological Disorders: Conditions like traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases have shown promise in responding positively to this combined therapy. Improved tissue oxygenation can aid in brain repair and functional recovery.

  2. Orthopedic Injuries: Bone and joint injuries can benefit from the regenerative power of stem cells. HBOT helps create an optimal environment for these cells to repair and rebuild damaged tissues.

  3. Cardiovascular Diseases: Stem cell therapy combined with HBOT has the potential to aid in the regeneration of cardiac tissues, potentially offering new hope to patients with heart conditions.

  4. Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may benefit from the anti-inflammatory effects of HBOT, reducing symptoms and improving overall quality of life.


Dr. Paul Harch’s groundbreaking research on the combination of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and stem cell therapy offers exciting possibilities for regenerative medicine. This innovative approach addresses key challenges in stem cell implantation and has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. As research in this field continues to evolve, we can anticipate that more patients will benefit from the synergistic effects of HBOT and stem cell therapy, paving the way for improved health and quality of life.

