


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Individuals who suffer from insomnia may also find themselves waking up too early but are unable to fall back asleep. Sufferers of this sleep disorder often experience low energy levels and find quality of life being significantly impacted. in this guide how Getting Over Insomnia With Oxygen to improve sleep quality. 



  • Memory issues & trouble with thinking and concentration 
  • 睡眠帮助我们的大脑形成连接,帮助我们处理和记住新的信息。 睡眠不足会对长期和短期记忆产生负面影响。 
  • Concentration, creativity & cognitive abilities aren’t able to function as well without sufficient rest
  • Having issues with memory and concentration can impact one’s performance at work or at school. 

  • Mood changes
  • 睡眠不足会使我们喜怒无常,不理性,敏感和脾气暴躁。 

  • Poor balance & Accidents 
  • Not having sufficient rest can affect our reaction speed. Slowed reaction time while driving may lead to higher risks of accidents.
  • Lack of sleep affects your balance and coordination, causing you to be more prone to falls and accidents 

  • Weakened immunity 
  • Increased risk and severity of long-term diseases or conditions, such as high blood pressure and heart disease
  • Mental health disorders, such as depression, an anxiety disorder or substance abuse

“I felt like I actually slept when I woke up in the morning. After 10 years of being on medications for insomnia, I could finally reduce my dosage.” 

Can Insomnia be Cured without Medication?

Maybe not entirely… but with the Cocoon by O2genes, you may see improvements without having to take excessive medication. Getting Over Insomnia with Oxygen may just be your natural cure for better sleep!

O2genes 的氧舱是高压氧舱 (mHBOT)。 氧舱中的氧气含量和压力比海平面高 40%。这种健康工具使人沉浸在高水平的氧气中,确保含氧血液在我们的全身循环。在高压含氧环境中,我们的组织充满高水平的氧气,我们能够享受到好处例如新陈代谢加快、能量水平提高、恢复速度加快等等!

Everyone’s oxygen levels in the blood are lower during sleep, due to a mildly reduced level of breathing. Also, some alveoli drop out of use during sleep. When a person isn’t getting enough oxygen, all organs of the body can be affected, especially the brain, heart and kidneys. There is evidence that, for people who are hypoxemic, supplemental oxygen improves quality of life, exercise tolerance and even survival. Supplemental oxygen can also help relieve your symptoms. You may feel relief from shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness and depression. You may be more alert, sleep better and be in a better mood. You may be able to do more activities such as travelling, including travelling to high altitudes. (Cited in: Health, n.d.)

How Getting Over Insomnia With Oxygen improve sleep level

失眠的情况下 University of Alberta Neuroscientists found that when an individual is exposed to high levels of oxygen, it encourages their brain to remain in deep, restorative sleep. Deep sleep helps our brains and bodies with recovery as well as memory consolidation. On the other hand, when we are exposed to less oxygen, our brains remain in rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep. Oxygen therapy like the cocoon could be used to enhance deep sleep to ensure that individuals who tend to suffer from insomnia get enough restorative and slow-wave sleep. (University of Alberta, 2018)

Besides the lack of oxygen, there are also other factors that may result in insomnia. Together with the help of the cocoon, it is also good to note that other parts of our day-to-day life can affect our quality of sleep. So,  you understand well how Getting Over Insomnia With Oxygen to improve sleep quality. 

