
HBOT for Sleep

How can I have better sleep?

It is recommended to have at least 7 hours of sleep per night. However, we should focus more on our sleep quality rather than the duration of our sleep. 

Sleep Quality is very important when it comes to our health. People are at a higher risk of diseases and mental health issues if they have a poor sleep quality.

  • Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is the deepest stage of sleep. It is the fourth stage of sleep. During this stage, the irises of your eyes move rapidly and your heartbeat is faster and irregular. Your body is largely inactive during this sleep. REM Sleep helps with memory and learning as it restores your brain.
  • Deep Sleep is associated with changes in the body rather than the brain. It is non-rapid eye movement sleep, where your heartbeat is regular and your breathing is slow. Deep sleep is crucial as this is when your body heals itself. 

How can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) improve sleep?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) immerses individuals in high levels of oxygen which increases the blood’s oxygen-carrying capability. Oxygen levels and pressure in the Cocoon is 40%-50% higher than sea level. In high pressured oxygenated environments, our tissues are flushed with high levels of oxygen and we are able to enjoy benefits such as:

  • Higher Energy Levels
  • Increased Metabolism
  • Reverse Aging
  • Helping with Insomnia
  • Sports Recovery and more!

According to some studies conducted by neuroscientists, it is said that when an individual is exposed to high levels of oxygen, it encourages their brain to remain in deep, restorative slow-wave sleep. Deep sleep helps our brains and bodies with recovery as well as memory consolidation.

On the other hand, when we are exposed to less oxygen, our brains remain in rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep. Oxygen therapy, like the Hyperbaric Oxygen Cocoon® could be used to enhance deep sleep to ensure that individuals who suffer from insomnia can get enough restorative and slow-wave sleep.

Slow-wave sleep is essential for health since the body requires this deep sleep stage to feel adequately rested.

While sleeping, a person’s blood oxygen levels might drop because of decreased breathing. If oxygen intake becomes inadequate, it can have a detrimental effect on slow-wave sleep. With HBOT, it enables the blood to be saturated with oxygen and for complete diffusion of oxygen into the blood plasma.

The Importance of Deep Sleep

Sleep Cycle:

  1. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep – stage where most dreams happen. It is essential for cognitive functions.
  2. Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep

NREM is further divided into 3 stages: Stage 1, Stage 2 & Stage 3 sleep.

Stage 1 NREM sleep: Light sleep

Stage 2 NREM sleep: Deeper sleep

Stage 3 NREM sleep: Slow-wave deep sleep – deepest stage of sleep and the stage required for feeling adequately rested. It is essential for body recovery, growth & other body & cognitive functions.

Note: Stage 1 & 2 are not considered “deep sleep” 

What are some symptoms of Insomnia?

Individu yang menderita insomnia mungkin menderita: 

  • Masalah memori & kesulitan berpikir dan konsentrasi. Tidur membantu otak kita membentuk koneksi yang membantu kita memproses dan mengingat informasi baru. Kurang tidur dapat berdampak negatif pada memori jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. 
  • Perubahan suasana hati. Kurang tidur dapat membuat kita menjadi murung, tidak rasional, sensitif, dan cepat marah. 
  • Keseimbangan yang buruk & Kecelakaan. Tidak memiliki waktu istirahat yang cukup dapat mempengaruhi kecepatan reaksi kita. Waktu reaksi yang melambat saat mengemudi dapat menyebabkan risiko kecelakaan yang lebih tinggi
  • Kekebalan tubuh yang lemah. Meningkatnya risiko dan tingkat keparahan penyakit atau kondisi jangka panjang, seperti tekanan darah tinggi dan penyakit jantung serta mGangguan kesehatan mental, seperti depresi, gangguan kecemasan, atau penyalahgunaan zat

HBOT helps with insomnia as it helps our body to remain in slow-wave sleep for a longer period of time.


Besides the lack of oxygen, there are also other factors that may result in insomnia. Together with the help of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Cocoon®, it is also good to note that other parts of our day-to-day life can affect our quality of sleep.  

Jika Anda telah berjuang dengan insomnia, mengapa tidak mencoba cocooning untuk melihat apakah hal ini dapat membantu meringankan kesulitan tidur Anda? 

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Watch CNA's Host, Shrey experience Solid, Deep Sleep with Hyperbaric Oxygen Cocoon

Ditampilkan dalam episode CNA Talking Point Bio-Hacking, Shrey mencoba menggunakan Oksigen Hiperbarik selama seminggu untuk meningkatkan kebugaran, kemampuan kognitif, dan kualitas tidurnya. 

Setelah beristirahat di dalam Kepompong Hiperbarik, ia mengalami tidur nyenyak dan nyenyak seperti yang diukur pada perangkat yang dapat dikenakan.

Kadar oksigen dalam darah seseorang mungkin lebih rendah selama tidur, karena tingkat pernapasan yang sedikit berkurang. Ketika seseorang tidak mendapatkan oksigen yang cukup, semua organ tubuh dapat terpengaruh, terutama otak, jantung dan ginjal. Terdapat bukti bahwa, bagi orang yang memiliki kadar oksigen yang rendah, oksigen tambahan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup, toleransi olahraga, dan bahkan kelangsungan hidup. Oksigen tambahan juga dapat membantu meringankan gejala-gejala seperti sesak napas, kelelahan, pusing dan depresi. Anda mungkin akan lebih waspada, tidur lebih nyenyak dan suasana hati yang lebih baik. 


Brandon E. Hauer dkk., Hiperoksia meningkatkan kondisi otak depan gelombang lambat pada orang yang dianestesi uretan dan tikus yang tidur secara alami. Jurnal Neurofisiologi.

Vanita Mehta dkk., Apnea Tidur Obstruktif dan Terapi Oksigen: Sebuah Sistematika Tinjauan Literatur dan Meta-Analisis, Jurnal Kedokteran Tidur Klinis

Raymond Quock dkk., Kualitas tidur membaik ketika terapi oksigen hiperbarik (HBOT) diberikan sebelum dan sesudah pengurangan dosis metadon untuk orang dewasa dengan gangguan penggunaan opioid, 2020. Universitas Negeri Washington.

James M. Walker dkk., Penilaian tidur dalam uji coba acak oksigen hiperbarik pada anggota layanan AS dengan cedera otak traumatis ringan pasca gegar otak dibandingkan dengan kontrol normal. Jurnal Kedokteran Tidur

Renata L. Riha, Oksigen untuk pengobatan sindrom apnea tidur obstruktif hipopnoea. Bernapas, 15, 3, 2019. 

Solan, Matthew, and Howard E. LeWine. “How much sleep do you actually need?” Harvard Health, 30 October 2023, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-much-sleep-do-you-actually-need-202310302986. Accessed 21 March 2024.

“Difference Between Deep Sleep and REM Sleep.” Chase Dental Sleepcare, https://www.chasedentalsleepcare.com/blog/difference-between-deep-sleep-and-rem-sleep. Accessed 21 March 2024.

“Stages of Sleep: What Happens in a Sleep Cycle.” Sleep Foundation, 8 December 2023, https://www.sleepfoundation.org/stages-of-sleep. Accessed 8 June 2024.


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