
Kisah Kami

Dr. Josh Lim (PhD), found himself in a perpetual state of overwork, battling fatigue despite experimenting with various stress and sleep management techniques. Relief came only after he adopted slow, deep breathing into his routine.

Dr. Josh delved deeper into his research and stumbled upon the benefits of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mHBOT). His overseas experience with mHBOT, combined with insights from medical professionals regarding the essential role of oxygen in enhancing rest, inspired him to establish O2genes in 2017. He is also trained by the Singapore Underwater Hyperbaric Course (SHUMEC) as well as the International Hyperbarics Association (IHA USA).

Operated from the O2genes' oxygen cafe in Keong Saik, Dr. Josh encountered numerous instances where hyperbaric oxygen was a game-changer. Engaging in heartfelt conversations with a mother caring for a special needs child and assisting a cancer survivor in managing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation underscored the profound impact of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. These inspiring stories fueled Dr. Josh's commitment to sharing the advantages of the Hyperbaric Cocoon® with a wider audience.

Today, O2genes has made the Hyperbaric Cocoon® accessible to everyone, offering the convenience of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the comfort of your own home. This approach integrates cocooning into your lifestyle, akin to the transformative process of caterpillars evolving into beautiful butterflies within a chrysalis. O2genes aims to support your journey towards wellness and help you unveil your best self through nature's most precious element - oxygen.

Our Research and Technology

O2genes features its own proprietary hyperbaric oxygen cocoon protocols and precision controls. Our system adheres to the recommended HBOT protocols developed by renowned hyperbaric medicine expert, Professor Shai Efrati.

Designed & Assembled in Singapore

Our Hyperbaric Oxygen Cocoon® is designed and meticulously assembled in Singapore and adhere to strict safety standards in Singapore.

Moreover, the founder, Dr Josh is also trained by the Singapore Hyperbaric Underwater Medicine Course (SHUMEC) and the International Hyperbarics Association (IHA USA).

End-To-End Service

Unlike other manufacturers that just focus on selling you the HBOT machines, we take care of you from the start till the end. Our services include marketing, protocols advisory by Dr. Josh, machine installation, as well as after-sales service and maintenance.

Batang Oksigen

For Hotels, Events and Conferences

Cocoon® by O2genes

Hyperbaric Oxygen Cocoon® for residential or commercial settings

Meningkatkan Oksigen

Menghadirkan oksigen murni hingga 95% untuk digunakan di mana saja dan kapan saja

Konsentrator Oksigen Baterai Portabel
Konsentrator Oksigen

Menghadirkan hingga 10L oksigen per menit untuk aliran oksigen yang berkelanjutan

Simbolisme Logo

  1. 'Gen' dalam logo menunjukkan bagaimana oksigen adalah bagian dari alam dan bagaimana tubuh kita membutuhkan oksigen untuk menjadi sehat
  2. Logo ini sesuai dengan rasio emas Fibonacci, yang menggambarkan keseimbangan, keindahan, dan alam.
  3. Kepala gen menunjukkan kesinambungan karena gen terus berputar dan berputar ke atas
  4. Ekor gen menyerupai huruf 'g' dalam font khas perusahaan kami 'Sage', melengkung ke atas, dan terus berputar ke dalam

Simbolisme Warna

Biru: Simbol kedamaian yang sejuk dan menenangkan

Sage: Simbol penyembuhan dan kesehatan

Kayu: Simbol kehidupan, pertumbuhan dan kekuatan

Pasir: Simbol kemurnian dan berlalunya waktu

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