
Hard Shell Cocoon®

Singapore's Finest Hard Hyperbaric Oxygen Cocoon®
Diakui sebagai Pilihan Utama di Asia Tenggara

O2genes Hard Shell Cocoon®:
Lambang Kemewahan Kesehatan

Introducing the O2genes Hard Shell Cocoon® – a true game changer in the world of luxury high-tech wellness. Crafted with excellence, this exceptional Cocoon® is constructed from full stainless steel that not only guarantees anti-rust protection, but also reflects a timeless elegance.

Unlike traditional enclosed chambers, the O2genes Hard Shell Cocoon® offers a liberating experience by eradicating any sense of claustrophobia. Embrace the feeling of openness and serenity as one bask in the soothing glow of daylight. Mulai dari pencahayaan yang dapat disesuaikan hingga pilihan kenyamanan yang dipersonalisasi, fasilitas premium kepompong kami memenuhi preferensi setiap individu, menciptakan suasana yang dipesan lebih dahulu hanya untuk mereka.

Elixir Cocoon®
1.5 ATA / 1.99ATA

Click on the photo to see the Specifications

Zia Cocoon®

Click on the photo to see the Specifications

On-Site Service & Maintenance

Dilakukan oleh Teknisi HBOT terlatih

Includes change of filters, maintenance of parts, performing operational and safety testing, monitoring air flow and oxygen concentration, sanitization, coating of anti-microbial solution, & other miscellaneous on-site support


3 Years Full Warranty of HBOT Machine

Opsi untuk perpanjangan garansi tahunan dengan servis & pemeliharaan rutin

Where Luxury Meets Wellness

Premium Interior
Premium Interior
In-Built Air-Conditioner
Luxe Reclining Chair
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