
Mobilisasi sel punca dengan oksigen hiperbarik

Baca kertas putih di sini about Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen

Kami berhipotesis bahwa paparan oksigen hiperbarik (HBO2) akan memobilisasi sel induk/progenitor
dari sumsum tulang dengan mekanisme yang bergantung pada oksida nitrat (NO). Populasi sel CD34 dalam sirkulasi perifer manusia berlipat ganda sebagai respons terhadap paparan tunggal 2,0 atmosfer absolut (ATA) O2 selama 2 jam. Selama 20 kali perawatan, sel CD34 yang bersirkulasi meningkat delapan kali lipat, although the overall circulating white cell count was not significantly increased. The number of colony-forming cells (CFCs) increased from 16 2 to 26 3 CFCs/100,000 monocytes plated. Elevations in CFCs were entirely due to the CD34 subpopulation, but increased cell growth only occurred in samples obtained immediately post-treatment. A high proportion of progeny cells express receptors for vascular endothelial growth factor-2 and for stromal-derived growth factor. In mice, HBO2 increased circulating stem cell factor by 50%, increased the number of circulating cells expressing stem cell antigen-1 and CD34 by 3.4-fold, and doubled the number of CFCs. Bone marrow NO concentration increased by 1,008 255 nM in association with HBO2. Stem cell mobilization did not occur in knockout mice lacking genes for endothelial NO synthase. Moreover, pretreatment of wild-type mice with a NO synthase inhibitor prevented the HBO2-induced elevation in stem cell factor and circulating stem cells. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa HBO2 memobilisasi sel induk/progenitor dengan menstimulasi sintesis NO.

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