
O2genes Hard Shell Cocoon®:
Lambang Kemewahan Kesehatan

Considering to buy a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for your wellness center, clinic, or hotel but not sure which is the best HBOT Chamber in Singapore or Asia? O2genes is humbled to be the trusted Hyperbaric Oxygen equipment provider for our clinics and wellness centres worldwide. O2genes is a Singapore company specialising in selling and renting hyperbaric oxygen chambers (HBOT), and it is the only company that offers medical grade hyperbaric chambers with follows medical protocols in the form of a wellness hyperbaric oxygen machine.

O2genes prides itself more than a mere hyperbaric oxygen chamber supplier or manufacturer by taking care of you throughout your entire hyperbaric oxygen therapy journey, from the purchase of the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, to the operations, as well as the service and maintenance of the hyperbaric equipment.

O2genes, a reputable hyperbaric oxygen therapy company in Singapore, is founded by Dr. Josh, who is accredited as a Singapore Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine Practitioner (SHUMEC) by the Singapore General Hospital and Singapore Navy, and the International Hyperbarics Association (IHA-USA).

If you are considering to purchase a hyperbaric oxygen chamber cross-borders, O2genes is also currently working with medical and wellness partners across Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia, making it a leading choice for businesses seeking reliable, premium hyperbaric chambers.

The Only Wellness HBOT
With Medical Grade Protocol

Fully Customisable Interior and Exterior

Interior Mewah dengan Lampu Hangat dan Lampu Baca
Lekukan Ramping dengan Pencahayaan Khusus


Tombol Berhenti Keamanan Darurat

Katup Bantuan Darurat


Perakitan Modular

Tim Profesional yang terlatih dengan HBOT untuk memandu dan merakit Cocoon® untuk Anda

Standar Kelas Emas

Sistem AeroPure dengan Ionisasi dan Dehumidifier In-Built-in

Filter Udara Partikulat Efisiensi Tinggi (HEPA) dengan selang kelas laboratorium ke elmeniru bau dan mengurangi penumpukan debu

Performa Optimal

Pengaturan Tekanan yang Dapat Disesuaikan sebesar 0,1

Panel Kontrol Layar Sentuh All-In-One yang terletak di bagian dalam dan luar

Teknologi Penyerapan Ayunan Tekanan (PSA) hingga Oksigen Murni 96%

Katup Peredam Senyap dengan tingkat kebisingan <60 desibel


Cangkang Baja Karbon Bersertifikat CE

Pita Baja Tahan Karat

Pintu Geser Polikarbonat yang Tahan Lama

Panel Jendela yang Diperkuat

Terverifikasi Tahan Ledakan


Sofa Kulit Premium

Interior yang Luas dan Mewah

Cahaya Alami dari Pintu Besar yang Dibentengi

CE Certified

CE Approved

Panjang Keseluruhan


Maks. Tekanan Operasi

1.9 ATA


2 orang (1,5 ATA)

4 orang (1,99 ATA)

Lebar Keseluruhan


Kemurnian Oksigen



Baja Karbon

Tinggi badan



220-240V, 50 Hz

Aliran Udara


850kg (1,5 ATA)

1250kg (1,99 ATA)


4,5 KVA

Aliran Oksigen

Layanan & Pemeliharaan

Perakitan Modular - Disusun oleh Tim Profesional O2genes yang Terlatih HBOT

Servis dan Perawatan Rutin termasuk penggantian filter udara


Garansi 3 Tahun, Dapat Diperpanjang Hingga 5 Tahun

Keranjang Belanja