Oxygen For Work & Study
Essentials for our brain and body

Work Smart, Breathe Oxygen
Supplemental oxygen can help boost performance in work and study
Oxygen is an essential for brain activity. The brain requires 20% of the body’s oxygen supply. Issues like poor concentration, sleep apnea, forgetfulness, restlessness, mood swings and low sex drives could be results of insufficient oxygen intake.
Dr. Andrew Scholey, Division of Psychology, University of Northumbria states that “extra oxygen has been shown to enhance mental performance and memory recall in healthy active adults in several clinical studies”.
Give You Energy
Every breath of oxygen we take can be converted into energy. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the creation of energy, requires nutrients from food and oxygen. Many tend to have less energy due to insufficient oxygen intake rather than insufficient food or glucose intake. Curious as to why sometimes our breathing rate increases when we exercise? It is because our cells need more energy to burn glucose with oxygen to meet the additional energy demand!
Give You Energy
Unlike our muscles, our brain can’t store energy. Hence, it requires a steady flow of nutrients and oxygen to function well. If we don’t have enough oxygen, it reduces our alertness, memory and judgement. When aviation professionals undergo training in hypoxic environments where oxygen levels are reduced to 18% (just so slightly lower than the environmental oxygen level of 21%), they noticed slowed reactions, disorientation and an inability to do simple arithmetic.
Common reasons for reduced blood oxygen levels:
- Air pollution
- Mask fatigue
- Traveling to a higher elevation
- Breathing stale air (enclosed room with little ventilation that has less than the normal 20-21% oxygen)
“Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established.” — Dr. W. Spencer, Way Journal of the American Association of Physicians.
Give You Energy
- Stimulation of brain activity
- Increased memory capacity
- Boosts concentration
- Develops stronger alertness
- Raises energy levels
- Improves strength
- Builds endurance
- Detoxification
- Reduces stress
- Calms anxiety
- Alleviates tension from headaches
- Helps with cardio
- Delays lactic acid build up
- Strengthens immune system
Give You Energy
As mentioned above, oxygen is able to provide many benefits to working adults and/or students. With this in mind, Boost Oxygen canisters aims to provide you with the oxygen you need to refresh yourself during short in-between breaks for sustained learning and working abilities
Frequently Asked Questions
We have many customers facing the same issue as you are. Mask fatigue is a serious problem we are facing now and Boost Oxygen is a fantastic way to provide a relief and breather especially if we are indoors most of the day. Try our mildly scented aromas for an added nudge for your tired minds.
Boost Oxygen does not contain any caffeine or sugar and can possibly be an alternative if you are looking to cut down on them. Our mildly scented aroma such as Rosemary ThinkTank, Menthol Eucalyptus, Peppermint or Pinkgrapefruit are all highly preferred depending on your preference. Scents are also absorbed faster by our bodies and it provides the feel good sensation and relief almost immediately.
There are studies regarding how rosemary aroma and oxygen helps improve focus and memory, and also how our brain consumes a large amount of oxygen when it works hard. As much as oxygen helps our brain to work better and faster, effort must still be put in before you can reap better results in exams.