
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Benefits

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?

Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik berasal dari Amerika Serikat, di mana terapi oksigen digunakan untuk menstimulasi sirkulasi darah dan oksigenasi di dalam tubuh untuk penyembuhan dan pemulihan. Didukung oleh penelitian dan data berbasis bukti, telah terbukti bahwa otak sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan konsentrasi oksigen yang bersirkulasi, di mana tingkat oksigen yang rendah atau tidak ada dengan cepat menyebabkan ketidaksadaran atau menyebabkan kerusakan otak permanen. 

Terapi oksigen meredakan nyeri akut dan kronis serta meningkatkan kualitas tidur dengan mendorong regenerasi sel dan melatonin internal sekaligus meningkatkan aliran darah. Selain itu, oksigen tidak beracun, tidak invasif dan tidak memiliki efek samping.

Benefits of HBOT



HBOT can cause a wide range of cellular, biochemical and physiological changes.  HBOT may also promote healthy aging.

  1. HBOT enhances angiogenesis
  2. HBOT reduces inflammation by regulating the number and activity of extensive inflammatory cell types.
  3. HBOT enhances antioxidant defences by modulating the balance between free radicals and scavengers.
  4. HBOT interferes with the detrimental effects of cellular senescence. HBOT also plays a role in inhibiting telomere shortening, one of the major stimuli of cellular senescence.
  5. HBOT increases the number of circulating stem cells by stimulating stem cell mobilization, and changes stem cell properties by promoting proliferation and differentiation.

Telomere length is a marker of biological ageing. Our body contains telomeres, wilayah urutan DNA yang berulang di ujung kromosom. Setiap kali sel membelah, telomer menjadi sedikit lebih pendek. Ketika telomer menjadi terlalu pendek, sel akan mati karena tidak lagi dapat membelah dengan sukses. 

HBOT can help with reverse ageing because it can lengthen up to 38% of our telomeres at a rate far beyond any currently available intervention of lifestyle modification. 

Moreover, research studies have proven that HBOT decreases the old cells in our bodies by 11-37% which effectively promotes regeneration of new cells! Hence, HBOT is known for reverse aging.

Perak penuaan sehat HBOT
Hyperbaric oxygen HBOT Beauty Sports recovery Performance Sleep



Cocoon oleh O2genes adalah Ruang Oksigen Hiperbarik (mHBOT). Tingkat dan tekanan oksigen di dalam Cocoon adalah 40%-50% lebih tinggi dari permukaan laut. Alat kesehatan yang membenamkan individu dalam oksigen tingkat tinggi ini memastikan bahwa darah beroksigen diedarkan ke seluruh tubuh kita. Dalam lingkungan beroksigen bertekanan tinggi, jaringan kita dialiri oksigen tingkat tinggi dan kita dapat menikmati manfaat seperti peningkatan metabolisme, tingkat energi yang lebih tinggi, pemulihan yang lebih cepat, dan banyak lagi!

When an individual is exposed to high levels of oxygen, it encourages their brain to remain in deep, restorative sleep. Deep sleep helps our brains and bodies with recovery as well as memory consolidation.

On the other hand, when we are exposed to less oxygen, our brains remain in rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy could be used to enhance deep sleep to ensure that individuals who tend to suffer from insomnia get enough restorative and slow-wave sleep.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) promotes a significant increase of oxygen in blood which results in better functioning of the organism, stimulating development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and regulating oxidative stress. When there is an excess of oxygen in tissues and organs, a better environment is created for fertilisation to occur correctly and enhance assisted fertility treatments.


Sports Recovery


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may serve to provide a means of therapy to facilitate speedier resumptions to pre-injury activity levels as well as improve the short and long term prognosis of the injury (EC;, 2000).

HBOT has been reported to reduce post-injury swelling in animals, and in humans with swelling mitigated. Positive results have also been reported regarding tissue remodelling after injuries, with those involving bones, muscles and ligaments showing improved recovery. In the Nagano Winter Olympics, where sports players experiencing fatigue used hyperbaric oxygen, enabling them to continue performing in the games (Ishii et al., 2005), showing how HBOT can effectively increased recovery from fatigue.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been reported to be beneficial in terms of accelerating cell recovery and tissue repair, which are considered to be helpful for eliminating fatigue and recovering stamina. This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of HBOT for exercise-related muscular injury. (Chen et al., 2019) Moreover, recent experimental evidence implies that pain may be decreased with intermittent to long-term exposure to hyperbaric oxygen sessions.

Cognitive Ability


A case series suggest that low pressure HBOT improves symptoms in children on the spectrum through increased oxygenation of underperfused areas of the autistic brain, reduced neuroinflammation, decreased oxidative stress, or a combination of these. 

HBOT at the pressures commonly used in children with autism (up to 1.5 atm/100% oxygen) has been reported to improve cerebral perfusion, decrease markers of inflammation and did not worsen oxidative stress markers. Most studies of HBOT in children with autism reported improvements in several behavioural domains. 

Collectively, the reviewed studies indicate that the use of HBOT in children on the spectrum, including autism, is associated with minimal adverse events and is well tolerated. HBOT is a safe and potentially an effective therapy for children with autism while further studies are warranted.

What Sets O2genes Apart from other HBOT in the Market


We have a variety of quality & trusted e partner clinics and wellness centres in Singapore, Indonesia & Hong Kong. We have also partnered with some medical professionals in these partner clinics and wellness centres. 











Produk dan layanan kami didukung oleh penelitian dan data berbasis bukti untuk memastikan bahwa produk dan layanan kami benar-benar bermanfaat bagi Anda.

We also establish a close collaboration with medical doctors. This strategic partnership enables us to offer enhanced advisory services.

By combining our expertise with medical insights, we can create tailored solutions that foster optimal health and wellness outcomes.








We take pride in our service standards. We provide regular maintenance and service. 

You can request to have your Cocoon® serviced to ensure the air quality is clean and optimal. Air filters have to be changed as it will become dirty overtime and air quality will be affected. 

We can assure you that you can rely on us with any concerns that you might have with your Cocoon®. 







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