Cocoon by O2genes (Up to 1.99ATA sessions)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mHBOT)

Not sleeping well recently due to work stress? Feeling the effects of mask fatigue from wearing the mask the entire day? Aching all over from exercise or work?

Rest better and achieve overall wellness when you immerse yourself in our hyperbaric oxygen cocoon! Many professional athletes and celebrities are using it to enhance their sports performance and hectic lifestyle with oxygenated rest. Why aren’t you giving yourself the best and see for yourself how much more you can achieve?

Our recommendation for your cocooning experience:
1 session if you’re unsure but keen to give cocooning a try!
6 sessions and cocoon within 2 weeks to considerably compare the differences you felt during these 2 weeks.
12 sessions to kickstart your cocooning journey over a month
24 sessions to maintain cocooning lifestyle and we welcome you on the journey!


Whatsapp us!

Our 1.99ATA appointments for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) sessions are available! Schedule an appointment and we’ll contact you via whatsapp.

What to prepare for your appointment?
1. Ensure you are not having flu or blocked nose
2. Ensure you come in clean cotton wear. (We do provide cotton robe to change into if required)

What should you expect during your hyperbaric oxygen session?
1. Consultation with our staff who’ll bring you through the safety aspects of hyperbaric oxygen
2. Get changed into our cotton robe
3. Enjoy your hyperbaric oxygen rest!

Ready to rent a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for the long term? Check our rental options here.

Cocoon Selection

Cocoon (1.5ATA), Elixir (1.99ATA), Zia (1.99ATA)


120 minutes session, 60 minutes session, 90 Minutes Session

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