
Dr Scott Sherr - HBOT Integratif

Dr Scott Sherr HBOT

Ini adalah daftar video Youtube oleh Dr Scott Sherr

Scott Sherr - Presentasi Lengkap HBOT - Simposium Perawatan Kesehatan Integratif 2018

0:00 - Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik

6:41 - Tujuan

7:38 - Definisi HBOT

9:59 - Ruang Multiplace

13:57 - Kamar Lembut

17:18 - Tekanan adalah Kunci

25:55 - Protokol Perawatan HBOT

33:21 - Pendekatan Integratif

36:15 - Disetujui FDA untuk HBOT

48:46 - Sinergi Kanker & HBOT

51:53 - HBOT & Kanker (Terintegrasi)

54:11 - HBOT & Kinerja

66:05 - Kontraindikasi HBOT

67:45 - Ringkasan

69:29 - HBOT Penyelaras Besar untuk Akselerasi Hasil yang Masif

Scott Sherr - Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik untuk Penyembuhan Luka dan Anti-Penuaan (September 2014)

1:20 - Pendahuluan

11:18 - HBOT dalam 3 kata 'Menyembuhkan luka', dengan bantuan integratif

12:10 - Mekanisme HBOT

20:26 - HBOT tidak memberi makan kanker dan juga tidak menyembuhkan kanker. 

24:30 - peran HBOT ringan dalam ranah neurokognitif dan HBOT jangka panjang

26:12 - Protokol HBOT untuk penggunaan HBOT yang berkelanjutan

29:58 - Biaya HBOT

31:35 - Efek samping dari HBOT

34:59 - Indikasi HBOT Investigasi

35:16 - Pertanyaan 'Pernahkah Anda merawat orang berusia >75 tahun untuk tujuan anti-penuaan?


In the “Dr. Scott Sherr – Full HBOT Presentation – 2018 Integrative Healthcare Symposium,” Dr. Scott Sherr delivered a comprehensive presentation at the 2018 Integrative Healthcare Symposium. This presentation centered on the topic of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and its potential role within the field of integrative healthcare.

Dr. Sherr likely delved into the science behind HBOT, exploring how it involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber to increase the amount of oxygen delivered to body tissues. He may have discussed its therapeutic applications, which often include treating conditions like chronic wounds, neurological disorders, and certain types of infections.

Furthermore, Dr. Sherr probably highlighted the synergistic potential of integrating HBOT into a broader healthcare approach, emphasizing how it can complement other treatment modalities for a more holistic patient care strategy.

Overall, this presentation likely served as an educational opportunity for healthcare professionals to gain insights into the benefits and considerations of utilizing HBOT as part of an integrative healthcare approach in 2018.

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