Boost Oxygen Can Provide Relief to Asthma Sufferers

Boost Oxygen Canister | Asthma Inhalers, O2Genes

Previously unavailable to those dealing with asthma, oxygen canisters for personal use are now available at an affordable price from Boost Oxygen. This guide will help you in Boost Oxygen Can Provide Relief to Asthma Sufferers.

According to a recent study conducted by The Global Initiative for Asthma, South Africa has the world’s fourth highest asthma death rate. Of the 3.9 million South Africans with asthma, 1.5% will die annually as a result of their condition. In spite of this worrying statistic, asthma suffers do not qualify for a home supply of oxygen and most GP surgeries do not hold emergency oxygen canisters. The answer for those who battle with the condition daily – and even more so in our dry winter months – is Boost Oxygen; the market leader in supplemental portable oxygen, offering 650ml oxygen canisters of 95% pure oxygen for personal use that can purchased over the counter without a prescription.


Research suggests a strong link between asthmatic symptoms and stress and that proactive, self-management could improve quality of life for patients with asthma. An article published in The British Medical Journal states that most causes of death following an asthmatic attack was due to an inadequate supply of oxygen. This paired with a statement by The British Thoracic Society that oxygen can be used as a first line treatment of severe asthma attacks in a hospital environment points to supplemental oxygen for home use being extremely useful – and potentially lifesaving – in emergency cases.

Using the light-weight, portable Boost Oxygen canister is simple and easy for anyone – from young children to the elderly. To use the canisters, you simply hold the mask up to your mouth, press the trigger and inhale deeply. It is recommended to hold the oxygen in the lungs for a second or two to make sure that the maximum amount of oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream. This would also assist in calming the patient during a stressful attack. The canisters are designed for 1-3 second, single dose inhalations preventing wastage and hyperventilation – which can occur as a result of anxiety experienced during an attack.

In addition to these fast and immediate health benefits, Boost Oxygen has also been proven to assist with the comfort and wellbeing of patients. Having oxygen available for personal use can be highly beneficial for asthma sufferers if used as a daily supplement. Knowing that your personal canister is nearby will also put asthmatics at ease thereby reducing the stress and anxiety caused by fear of an attack – emotions that in themselves can bring on an attack causing a vicious cycle for those with severe asthma.

Boost Oxygen is 100% safe ad natural and is now available in Singapore via selected outlets and online at at just S$45.00 for a large canister that holds approximately 200 one-second doses. Boost Oxygen is available in a variety of flavours that offer the user aromatic fragrances of Peppermint, Pink Grapefruit and Menthol-Eucalyptus.

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