HBOT Wellness

causes of burnout

Stress & Burnout (Causes & Recovery)

What is burnout? Burnout is a state where we feel emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. This is caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Burnout can cause us to feel extremely exhausted. Doing work may fill us with dread and we may start to withdraw and detach ourselves from commitments and the people around us. Feelings

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Long Covid HBOT

Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improve Long COVID Symptoms?

What is Long COVID and how common is it? Long COVID involves new, returning or ongoing symptoms that people experience long after getting COVID-19. Cited by Mayo Clinic (2022), research suggests that between one month and one year after having COVID-19, 1 in 5 people ages 18 to 64 has at least one medical condition

Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improve Long COVID Symptoms? Read More »

Getting Over Insomnia with Oxygen: Revitalize Your Sleep

What is Insomnia? Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Individuals who suffer from insomnia may also find themselves waking up too early but are unable to fall back asleep. Sufferers of this sleep disorder often experience low energy levels and find quality of life being significantly

Getting Over Insomnia with Oxygen: Revitalize Your Sleep Read More »

Ronaldo HBOT hyperbaric oxygen

Christiano Ronaldo now owns a hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber for recovery

Christiano Ronaldo is known for his exceptional fitness levels and ability to perform at high levels despite his age. It was known that his discipline and training regime are the ingredients to a strong physique. His recovery regime with ice baths and strict diet also plays a big part but are there secrets we may

Christiano Ronaldo now owns a hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber for recovery Read More »

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Enhances Cognitive Function in Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Impairment

How does Hyperbaric Oxygen Enhances Cognitive Function in Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Impairment? It has been reported that environmental factors such as hypoxia could contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Therapeutics like hyperbaric oxygen treatment, which improves tissue oxygen supply and ameliorates hypoxic conditions in the brain, may be an alternative therapy for

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Enhances Cognitive Function in Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Impairment Read More »

Cocoon and Hyperbaric oxygen for erectile dysfunction

Hyperbaric oxygen can induce angiogenesis and recover erectile function

This article explores the potential of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in treating non-surgical erectile dysfunction (ED). The study involved 30 men suffering from chronic ED and treated with 40 daily HBOT sessions. The results showed that HBOT significantly improved all aspects of sexual function, with a notable 88% improvement in erectile function. The treatment induced

Hyperbaric oxygen can induce angiogenesis and recover erectile function Read More »

Comparison of lung function values of trained divers in 1.5 ATA hyperbaric chamber after inhaling 100% oxygen and regular air

This study compared the Comparison of lung function values of trained divers hyperbaric chamber after inhaling 100% oxygen and regular air. In a crossover design involving 18 divers, it was found that inhaling 100% oxygen for 30 minutes significantly affected various lung function parameters, including FEV₁/FVC, PEF, FEF25, FEF50, and FEF75. There was also a

Comparison of lung function values of trained divers in 1.5 ATA hyperbaric chamber after inhaling 100% oxygen and regular air Read More »

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